The Secret to Reclaiming the Blessing of God


Sometimes I hesitate to call myself “blessed.” I wonder, “if I am blessed because I have something, then what about those who don’t have the same thing? Does that mean God has not blessed them?” It makes me feel a little guilty. Furthermore, the idea of being “blessed” is sometimes associated with prosperity gospel teaching, […]

10 Bible Verses You Can Legitimately Declare Over Your Life

declare bible truths

In a previous post I wrote that Christians should not be declaring and decreeing things over their lives. While I did give some specific examples of the types of declarations I had in mind, some people responded to me rightly noting that there are some cases where Christians can legitimately declare certain biblical truths over their lives. I agree. I am, nevertheless, concerned that […]

Should Christians Declare or Decree Things over Their Lives?

Declare Decree over life

There is a growing trend among evangelical Christians where some feel they should declare or decree things over their lives. This is particularly true among those who are influenced by the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement and, more specifically, the prosperity gospel. For example, one prominent independent Pentecostal preacher encourages the readers of his bestselling book to declare […]

The Main Thing that Concerns Me about Joel Osteen’s Theology

Joel Osteen declare

I recognize that Joel Osteen is a great communicator (even Forbes does), and there are numerous things I appreciate about him and his ministry. Nevertheless, there is a repetitive theme in his ministry that I find troubling. And it is particularly troubling given the millions of people who listen to his sermons and assume that […]